Well this week has been surrounded with some swimming. Every since last Saturday's Breast Cancer Awareness Bike Ride, my body has not rebounded as well as I would have liked or expected. The cold and damp weathe really triggered a lot of pain and stiffness in my neck and back. I spend 3 days in at the Chiropractor's office this passed week. The car accident I was in 2 year ago has really effected me and my body. I'm not going to let it get me down though. I push through the pain, but I do end up paining for it. On Thursday, I thought I felt good, so I went for a run. However, I was on sit-up #2 when my back/neck spasmed and I wanted to cry. I decided crying in the middle of the Y was not the way to go, so I got up and out of there as fast as I could (ok a turtle could have moved faster), but the point is I was in pain and wanted out. I came home and got ready for work, and called my Chiropractor to see if he could get me in ASAP. I knew what needed to be done and I wanted my back to just crack, crack, crack! Well he was able to fit me into his schedule and boy did it snap, snap, snap!!!! Then I was able to lie on the hydrotherapy table, which i didn't want to have to leave. So I decided running or biking needed to be halted for a while. I was able to swim 2000 meters Saturday morning and another 2000 meters today. My body feels pretty good, but that's the best part about swimming, there's no impact. I'm not sure what or if I will be doing tomorrow. Maybe a bike ride or a walk on the treadmill. I just don't want to be the die hard workout person at the gym at 5:30 am, Walking on the treadmill. Well I'm going to watch a few more minutes of football and call it a night.